Being creative can be a messy process, which makes it both fun and frustrating!

In Search Of Stephanie is designed to share my creative journey as well as offer insights into the creative process for anyone wanting to make art. There will be posts about my own artwork, how I work, and some of the many questions I have about painting and drawing. I will also share what goes wrong so that you can see that not everything turns out the way we want. I am planning to post once or twice a week, depending on how hectic life gets!

This blog was started as a way to help myself discover which creative outlet I want to pursue. Many things interest me, from painting, drawing, crocheting, weaving, sewing and much more. Right now my main focus is on watercolour paintings and ink or pencil drawings, but I dabble in block carving stamps from time to time. I am not a professional artist and don’t have an art degree or specialized training. Like many people, I am learning as I go, figuring things out by making mistakes.

Being creative is so important to me and I want to try making everything!